Death of the Universe

We have a famous theory about how the universe started,the big bang. So how would the universe end. Currently scientist have a few theories about how the universe would end. They are the big crunch, the big freeze and the big rip. This three  theories are dependent on two important things that are in the universe dark matter and dark energy. Dark matter is this not well know thing that is found in space that draws matter together. Dark matter can be detected by measuring the difference in visible gravity( gravity caused by how stars and black holes) and the real gravity( gravity measured by the bend in light through gravitational lensing). This difference in estimated mass and real mass would be the mass of dark matter. Dark energy however is a force that pushes matter apart from each other. This force is also causing the expansion of the universe. Thus far away astronomical object are moving further away at an accelerating speed. This two forces are in constant battle to keep the universe in balance.

If the amount of dark energy is larger than the amount of dark energy, the universe would collapse on it’s self  because all the matter in the universe are moving towards each other at such it becomes a singularity. This end would be called the big crunch.

If the amount of dark matter is about equal to the amount of dark energy , the universe would keep expanding until the entire universe becomes uniform in energy. This is because energy moves from a higher concentration to lower concentration .Thus the universe would become very cold and this end would be called the deep freeze.

If the amount of dark matter is lower than the amount of dark energy, the universe would keep expanding at a greater and greater pace until the universe explode like a balloon. This end would be called the big rip.

Our universe by scientist estimate consist of 27% dark matter and 68% dark energy . Thus by our estimate, our universe would experience a big  rip end.

The Quadrantids 2014

The year 2013 is coming to an end. Other than celebrating the new year, you can look forward to the Quadrantids in 2014. The Quadrantids is a meteor shower and it is the first major meteor shower of the year. The meteor shower is named after the obsolete constellation Quadrans Muralis which is no longer valid in modern skies. The best place to view this heavenly spectacle would be the northern hemisphere as the radiant point of the meteor shower would be in the north, near the big dipper. As an added bonus, if you are in the eastern part of Asia you can stand a good chance of catching the Quadrantids. In fact, according to astronomers, those in eastern Asia have the best view of the shower.

Here is a basic guide on how to view the Quadrantids:

First of all, you may want to travel north if you live in the southern hemisphere.

Secondly, find a dark sky(away from city lights) to ensure maximum viewing pleasure.

Next, prepare a comfortable chair to lie down on while looking for the shooting stars.


The Quadrantids, unlike its more famous counterparts the Perseids and Germinids, its peak period lasts for only a few hours. Hence you would have to find the right moment to catch it in action. However, an average of about 50 to 100 meteors are expected to fall per hour this time, even more than the Geminids which has about 50 meteors per hour. The best time to view would be around after midnight to before dawn on 3rd or 4th January 2014. The region of the sky where the Quadrantids will be occurring is around the big dipper and the star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes.

All the best for tracking down the Quadrantids and wish all of you a happy new year ahead! :D

Worm Holes


A visual representation of a wormhole

Last session on 20th December, Friday, the topic was Time Travel and we mentioned about the possibility of using wormholes to accomplish this once fictitious feat. In previous sessions, we did not cover what wormholes actually are. So for those of you who are unclear, this is a brief summary of what wormholes are. Wormholes are very tiny gaps in space that are smaller than an atom that is connected to another end which allows instant transportation from one end to the other which can be useful in travelling great distances in a short amount of time. They exist in the same time period. The other end of a wormhole can be very close or very far apart from the entrance. This then begs the question on how we can find and enlarge one to the size that a man can walk through it? We don’t know… yet.